Application Apply Here Email * Child's Name * First Name Last Name Child's Birthdate * MM DD YYYY Are you submitting for another child? * Yes No Please note that for the 2024-25 school year, 2 days a week will only be an option for children who have not yet turned 3 by September 1st. If your child is 3 years old by September 1, 2024. * Are you interested in the preschool program for 4 days a week or 2 days a week? OR the Caregiver-Child Program? Preschool: 2 Days a Week Preschool: 4 Days a Week Caregiver-Child Program (8:30 AM or 10:30 AM Schedule) If you chose preschool for two days a week as an option, do you have a schedule preference? * Monday/Tuesday Wednesday/Thursday Is there anything you want to share with us about your schedule preference? Tell us something unique about your family? * Tell us about your child's strengths and personality. * What are some of your child's favorite things to do? What are their areas of interest? * What might you describe as an area of challenge for your child? * What are your hopes for your child's preschool experience at The Neighborhood Play School? * Please describe your parenting style. * What about the Neighborhood Play School feels like a good fit for your child and for your family? * Is there any additional information you feel is important to share in regard to your child’s experience? (Blended family, adoption, traditions, heritage) NPS asks that all families work toward learning how to use the bathroom independently before preschool. Where are you in this process? * If you are applying for our Caregiver-Child program, please put N/A unless you are already working toward this learning process. I/We hereby state that the information contained herein is true and complete. I/We have not knowingly omitted any pertinent information regarding student’s academic and family history. I/We acknowledge that supplemental information many be required by school(s) and understand that our application will not be reviewed until supplement(s), if required, have been submitted. * Yes No Parent /Guardian 1 Full Name * Signature Parent /Guardian 2 Full Name * Thank you!